Monday, 19 May 2008

Presentation Tips # 14

Have you heard the one about...

Jokes are very unlikely to help you when you present. The chances are that they will offend someone and if they don't, it is possible you will deliver them badly or forget a key line.
Humour on the other hand is more likely to be an asset and when done well, will be regarded as cleverer and funnier.
Humour is often best encouraged by cultivating an interactive and flexible approach .

Presentation Tips # 13

The Eyes...

are "the mirrors of the soul", the "traintors of the heart". The importance of continuos eye contact cannot be overestimated.
Try to give every person 2- 3 seconds eye contact, no matter what the size of your audience. The main reason is to assess their understanding and concentration levels. With a flexible approach and good planning this will allow you to amend your content to meet the needs that you observe.
The audience will also be encouraged to pay attention and are more likely to ask relevant questions.

Presentation Tips # 12

People Buy People

When planning your presentation make sure you are not likely to be subservient to PowerPoint or any other medium.
You are your greatest asset, you are your best visual aid.
Find the place in the room where you can be best seen, and use that space with no distractions behind you for the majority of the time.

Monday, 12 May 2008

Presentation Tips # 11


When members of the audience are trying to listen there will be many times when their concentration lapses and at those points it is particularly important to ensure that your non verbal communication is supporting your information.
Facial expression is very important to show your commitment, and regular smiles will show confidenec and give reassurance that you are happy with your argument.
If you are not a natural smiler, build elements into your presentation plan that may cause you to smile, e.g. interaction, a story, an example.

Presentation Tips # 10

Don't Move...

unless you have to. Thoughtless movement can be irritating and, therefore, distracting for the audience.
It is acceptable to move purposefully to collect a prop, use the flip or a slide, and to deliberately move to different spots when addressing a large audience. Speakers should be careful not to sway, and women should beware of pointing the toes of one foot in the air.(men rarely do this - I do not know why)

Sunday, 11 May 2008

Presentation Tips # 9

Use Gestures

Natural gestures are the best way to use your hands.
The audience will not be impressed by repetitive mannered gestures as used by some poiticians, but will like the animation that comes from you expressing yourself with the help of your hands and arms.
When there is nothing to be expressive about, squeeze a finger or the palm of your hand and keep your hands in front of you away form pockets.
Put down any dangerous distractions, such as pens, that may cause you to fidget

Friday, 9 May 2008

Presentation Tips # 8

Use PowerPoint Properly

Although there is no place for text slides in an engaging presentation, there are occasions when slides are desirable or even essential.
When used carefully for simple graphs, illustrations, maps, photographs, film clips, slides can add colour and variety to presentations.
The B key must be used to black out the screen if Powerpoint is part of your method, as this enables you to manage the focus.

Presentation Tips # 7

Fail to Prepare Prepare to Fail

Most presentations fail because the presenter has little idea about the best way to prepare.
The 3e Presentation Process is the best method ever devised, to enable the presenter to consider all the necessary elements in the correct sequence. The simple process allows the presenter to prepare properly in a short period of time.
PowerPoint is a dreadful preparation tool as it traps the speaker into becoming a lackey to the laptop, and a carcass of crushed creativity.

Presentation Tip # 6

Be Proud of Your Accent

Accents add variety and colour to presentations. If you speak slowly and enunciate well, no accent will be problematic to your listeners.
If anyone denigrates an accent that is spoken clearly (and of course slowly), it is the person who denigrates who has a problem not the speaker. Such people should be pitied not pampered.

Thursday, 8 May 2008

Presentation Tip # 5


Keep it Simple Stupid! Too often speaskers fail to have any regard for the capacity of the listeners to absorb information.
For a number of reasons too much information is delivered leaving the audience confused about what is essential and what is supplementary.
The speaker should always have a clear, achievable objective and leave the majority of the detail for later (e.g. the handout, questions, individual discussions, the internet)

Sunday, 4 May 2008

Presenting Tips # 4

Speak Slowly

Rember that it is very difficult to listen.
Help the listener by pausing and speaking at a pace that is far slower than you think is necessary. As a guide, imagine yourself speaking to a three year old. This might also help you to change your tone, introduce expression, and deliver at a vaired but slower pace.

Saturday, 3 May 2008

Presenting Tips # 3

Silence is Golden.

As the speaker you will intially feel intimidated when you pause. However, silence is essential. It allows you to compose your sentences, it enables the listeners to absorb your message, it gives you time to breathe properly, it creates the opportunity for interaction and it gives you an appearance of authority and conviction.

Tuesday, 29 April 2008

Presenting Tips # 2

Control the focus of attention at ALL times.

Eliminate distractions behind and around you.
Take down posters & pictures, move people and plants. Get rid of old flip chart pages and redundant PowerPoint slides.
Your task is to manipulate the audience to consider you information or proposals. Remember that the audience has thousands of alternative thoughts to play with and you are competing with these.

Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Presenting Tips # 1


Yes, I know it is heretical to write this, but if you use Powerpoint, never use Bullet Poiints.
There is always a better way to put your point across during a presentation. Bullet points are poor prompts and they inevitably distract the audience and cause a loss of focus. If you do not rely on bullets you will promote the pleasure that comes from creativity and presence. There are many positive ways to use PowerPoint but text should be avoided apart from titles, quotes, demonstrations and interactive discussion.

Monday, 21 April 2008

Open Course

Our next Assertive Presentation and Training Skills open course will take place at the Canonbury Academy, Islington on 22 - 23 May.
The rooms are quiet; the food is good; and the training is excellent .
Call John on 01524 735320 for more information.

Sunday, 16 March 2008

3e Training Ltd

It has been a long time coming, but finally we have the 3e Training website up and running.

This blog enables us to tto share our training experiences, pass on words of wisdom and extend our training expertise to every corner of the world..